An 8-week journey to physical and spiritual fitness. The Wellness Revelation will challenge you to get fit by seeking God first and foremost. God wants to free you from what weighs you down and keeps you from your marvelous purpose. In these pages, you will learn how to live well both physically and spiritually so that you are best equipped to love and serve others from a whole heart.
The Wellness Revelation will change the way you love God, yourself and others.
Each week in this eight-week journey includes a teaching, weekly fitness training assignments, Bible study, 8-week workout calendar with video workouts, small-group questions, suggested food list, and more. Each will encourage you to love God, get healthy, and serve others and will provide you with the tools to spread the gospel with courage, confidence, kindness, and freedom.
What is included?
9 Week Study Weekly video teachings from author Alisa Keeton
A workout calendar with live links to Instructor-led workouts
Bible study
Weekly group or individual meetings
Food Journal
Private Accountability Group
Accountability/Prayer partner
Support, encouragement, and prayer from a certified Facilitator
Your investment into the Revelation Wellness study with me, as your certified facilitator, is $90.
Alongside the financial investment, there is also a time investment needed of you. When you commit will be asked to reserve a day a week, for 9 weeks, to meet on-line or in-person with me (and potentially a group of people) for an hour, have devoted personal bible time and alone time with God each day, devoted journaling time to reflect and answer questions from the book, being intentional in tracking food intake and emotions around the food, and devoting time to moving your body, for 30 minutes a day or listen to a podcast.
This all seems like a lot, but don't let that scare you. The Revelation Wellness is based off of the Bible which is founded in the life and love of Jesus Christ, who showed us that God has enough grace and mercy to last us a lifetime. Life can be busy and feel overwhelming, so be reminded that there is grace for you. Where you are, is where you are suppose to be. I will encourage you to do what you can. God will use anything, you give him, to bless you beyond your wildest dreams.